Friday, February 6, 2015

Living a life of a super hero.

What is to be like being a super hero?
Have you ever been one?
Ever felt like one before?
Yes we all have, when we were kids. A time where every dream was possible. We all believed in it once, but slowly we let those super heroes walk out. We packed our dreams and kept it aside while we moved on...
Ever thought of getting them back?

May be chasing a dream and being a super hero are not two different things.
In the end, It's all about saving the day.
And what it takes for saving. All you need it to dust off your mind and create a space, a secret place to start your practice. From scratch. It takes time, a lot of sweat, it's not easy, and the flights don't take off without a runway. You should also know that what ever your practice, it might not help you to fly, but it helps to rise back from every fall. It might appear like the world is moving forward without you. You need patience. Gather everything you want, stay and practice. The world doesn't need you now and you don't want to. Just save the day.

Every day you look at yourself, you see a different person, the one your are becoming. And when you go out, you act like you don't even know this guy, you pretend to be the same old person who hasn't changed much. A life with two identities.
An identity with a routine life, and the other with a dream. Every day, you face the same world, and the world has no idea that it's facing a different you. A very few know your identities and what you are up to, and you don't spend time with them.

Back there in your secret place, you practice. It's a struggle that no one knows. For every step you take, you see a  mile expanding on the other side. Either you test your limits or the limit tests you. It makes you stand on the extremities of fear and courage at the same time. You keep going and going. And all the way, you wonder why you are doing this and you don't even know how you end up. Either you save the day or die saving. But does it really matters? In the end, its all about living the DREAM. That's a life of super hero. The one with a dream.

Thanks for reading SUPER HERO!